Tony Rogers, CFP

Certified Financial Planner
Investment Representative

I have a long history of valuable experience helping clients reach their goals. My family were all educators and I was a teacher for 19 years. I have been a business owner since 1988 and have first hand experience and understanding of the issues that business owners need help with.

My career as a Certified Financial Planner started in 1996. As a Certified Financial Planner I am very passionate about creating financial plans for business owners and individuals. I'm incorporated as Rogers Financial Service Ltd. because I want to build a legacy for my clients. We help clients analyze their financial health and create a plan that maximizes opportunity for long-term wealth.

My favourite recreational time activities include hunting and fishing, and activities with family especially grandchildren.

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Revue des marchés de mars 2024

avr. 05, 2024 - Canada vie

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